Wednesday, September 8, 2010


if there is one thing that i've learned from over this past month, it is what it means to truly loved and be loved. from June 5 to August 4 to be exact of this year was the best time of my life so far. I felt a sense of belongingness, felt that i'm not alone, a sense of security that i had never felt before. I thought I had everything that I'd ever wanted. but it all stopped. I woke up one morning and he's gone.

Love is about acceptance and trust of the person that you have before you.
Love isn't about how you are made from the start. its not about your happily ever after. it's about lasting through all trials and tribulations that come your way and seeing that person is and always will be that person that you've loved from the beginning.

love is not about blaming each other,and who screwed it up..

when you say that you love a person,please mean it. don't just say it or because its what an infatuated state made you think. say it even where you're going through the worst time of your life or seeing that person at the worst state of her do and will always feel the same way. because if you won't, then it is not love that you have.

i accepted the reality that the perfect person i thought was not so perfect at all. .
suffer pain that you can't stand. most run away, giving excuses like, "it wasn't meant to be"..
and that a broken heart can't love anymore: BUT LOVE IS MORE THAN JUST A HAPPY FEELING

when you love someone, LOVE EVERYTHING. the good. the bad. the unknown.and what it is about to come.

"I love you" is three words thrown around so often. no one should ever say it without knowing it in their hearts that they'll keep saying it for the rest of all time... not only when everything is running smooth..

1 comment:

  1. hi! i know in God's time you will find the man who would love you every single day! don't be sad!

    by the way thanks for visiting my site. you have a nice blog here! followed you also! :)
